Rewarding yourself after a tough move gives you the motivation to take on the next challenge tomorrow like organizing your new space or switching your utilities over. Ideally, select a reward that truly makes you excited and motivated. Consider these top 6 simple ways to reward yourself after unpacking those moving boxes today.
1. Try a Sweet Treat
If you have a sweet tooth, consider a treat for your senses. Venture to a favorite ice cream shop, candy store or other retailer. Pick out that sweet treat you never buy because it’s just too many calories. Because of the energy you spent on unpacking those boxes, you probably have calories to burn now. If you moved to a new city, this could be a great way to get to know some of your local bakeries and sweet shops.
2. Book a Spa Service
Your attention has been focused on those boxes instead of your well-being. As an indulgent reward, treat yourself to a spa service. Select from hydrafacials to lip fillers at a professional facility. These services can rejuvenate your mind and body while reinvigorating that youthful glow. Preferably, book ahead for the best selection of appointments. Or, select a few services to create an all-day spa experience.
3. Buy Yourself a Housewarming Gift
After the move, you might notice a few items that may be necessary at your new abode. Splurge on a housewarming gift that you buy for yourself. From a decorative lamp to a colorful throw, these items can complement your other items just pulled from the boxes. Whether you shop for the item online or head to the local mall, this retail therapy is a clever way to reward yourself.
4. Turn on a Favorite Movie
If you’re downright tired after unpacking moving boxes, simply pull out a favorite DVD or stream a movie online. Try the latest title that you haven’t had a chance to see yet, for example. In the end, this reward is actually two gifts in one. You enjoy the movie while allowing yourself to relax for an extended period, too.
5. Set up a Board Game
Reward yourself with some mental stimulation after all the physical activity. Grab a favorite board game, and invite your loved ones to a spirited competition. Truthfully, the game doesn’t have to be complicated. Simply pick a game that thrills your loved ones. Because the household’s video games may not be plugged in yet, board games are perfect alternatives to modern distractions.
6. Head Out to Your Favorite Restaurant
You may have unpacked the moving boxes, but your kitchen is still in disarray. Give yourself a night off from cooking by eating at a favorite restaurant. Ideally, select a restaurant with a wait staff so that you can enjoy a few courses. Dining out and good conversation are both rewards for your hard work.
Certainly, unpacking your moving boxes is a milestone. Whether you celebrate it with these ideas or a unique twist of your own, enjoying the reward is the goal. Ultimately, the next challenge in life will motivate you to finish it with another reward afterward.