Drilling industry was known for its straightforward working approach. Now this industry is experiencing an unexpected boom time. Advanced technologies and revolution in this industry make it a safety-conscious industry. The near-misses and injuries related to lifting jobs account for some events occurring offshore. With safety in mind, Tway Lifting offers the best rigging and lifting products for safe lifting operations. The following ideas can be helpful for employees involved in involved in lifting activities:
Safety Tips for Lifting Operators
- Planning for lifting jobs should be done in advance to identify risks, hazards, and the related safe schemes of operations. The planning should be basedon the complexity of tasks. The lifting jobs should be carried out and supervised safely.
- Workers must have the sufficient theoretical and practical experience and knowledge to plan lifting operations. They must identify required resources and the procedures to follow, stipulate responsibilities of personnel and include different safety precautions.
- Competence may be recorded and achieved through assessment, experience, and training. You must hire a competent person for lifting operations. Make sure to understand current regulations, best practices of the industry and safe working system or procedures of the company.
- Slinging, lifting and rigging training is necessary for personnel responsible for lifting jobs. Make sure to record each task to ensure that these are carried out accurately and safely described.
- Operators who use man-riding winches should be sufficiently trained and responsive to the safety system for work and needed procedures. Winches should be securely fittedwith independent brakes on a hoisted drum of the winch. Over-hoist and overload protection systems are necessary to increase the safety of people during a power failure.
- While hanging tubular, every lift should be slung and lifted level with the use of two slings of similar safe load and same length. The safe load of working for each sling must be equal to or even higher than the total weight of the load.
- You should double-wrap and choke almost 25 percent in from the conclusions of a load with an angle of 45 degrees from horizontal. While applying choke and double wrap, employees should not push down even a bit of choke and avoid crossing the dangles on the bottom of the bundle.
- When workers have to adjust taglines, they should do this following the procedures of a company. The tagline is referredto as one soft line utilized for the assistance in the proper control of loads. While using accurately, they allow workers to position themselves safely away from loads. They can draw workers underneath the loads if the tagline is used.
- Several accidents are common when you attach tagline to lifting equipment. Unfortunately, human nature forces humans to connect the tagline to sling for handler instead of applying extra efforts to attach it to the loads.
A tagline is responsible for controlling the loads. It may not help you to manage the lifting operations. For this reason, your employees need special rigging and lifting courses. After a course, they will understand that it is not safe to attach the tagline with the handle of a container. It can open the door of the container.