Everything is becoming minimalist. From your turntable to where we meditate, simpler shapes and colors can go a long way. However, minimalism is more than just a way to decorate. Business logos have been using minimalism for a long time, and will continue to do so.
Sometimes, you may see logos that are minimal, be a little more complex, then go back to being minimal. One example is the Windows logo. In 1992, it was a series of simple shapes. In 1995, it became a little more wavy, colorful, and complex. By the Windows XP era, its window colors were still around, along with its waviness, but it was a lot less complex. Currently, it has simple shapes and one color, just like its 1992.
So why does this happen? Let’s take a look.
It’s Easy to Remember
Have you ever seen that meme where it shows logos, then leaves from a plant, and asks you to name them? The point of the meme is that we can easily recognize logos such as the Facebook For the McDonald’s arch, but we can’t recognize nature.
With something like leaves, it takes research and expertise to know the difference between millions of plants. With logos, their simple shapes, colors, and recognizability are a lot easy to remember. Being able to recognize a brand is important in any business.
Less is More is An Art
Some people may find that logos being simple is a bad thing. There may have been a logo you liked, but over the recent years, it was stripped into something more minimal. You may have even thought this was lazy.
However, this is quite the contrary. Being able to take an image and reduce it to its minimum while still having an impact is an art of its own.
Think about some of the logos that use very simple shapes, like the Windows logo we mentioned before. Currently, that logo is just four rectangles. However, the exact shape and positioning of those rectangles are done so in a way that sets it apart. When we see that logo, we think of Windows and don’t confuse it for anything else.
The art of being simple, yet adding just that bit of nuance to be able to recognize a logo is quite an amazing feat in of itself.
Color is An Art
With minimalism, much of the art tends to use little colors, if none at all. Some may use black and white or add some simple, yet effective colors, such as Google Chrome. Google Chrome has a few colors, but they are balanced perfectly.
Color is always important in the art of design. You need to have just the right color scheme for it not to be distracting. While color can be beautiful, with a logo you want the viewer to focus on recognizability and not get bogged down by various colors.
The Art of the Font
The font is always important, too. How many people despise a certain font, such as Comic Sans, but are impartial to another. With a logo font, it tends to need a timeless but recognizable font. While simple, many logo designers will tweak the font until it’s just right. Some will just use one letter from the company, and that’s all they need to make it more recognizable. Think about KFC. It doesn’t need to spell out its full name to make its point! Though some fonts manage to be a little more complex, like Coca Cola and Disney, but they may incorporate minimalism in other aspects.
Making a Minimalist Logo
If you have a business, having a clean, simple, and nuanced logo is important. It may look easy, but it is something that can require a lot of tweaking and research into making. However, don’t skip out on it. In order to get your brand to be as recognizable as possible you do need minimalism.
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Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.