A shed can help to increase your home’s square footage, as it will serve as a handy storage solution in your backyard. For this reason, you must aim to maximize the space by improving its efficiency, so you will not need to upgrade your shed or descale your belongings.
If you want to store items with ease throughout the years, here are some top tips on how to organize your shed.
Add Durable Shelving Solutions
Maintain a clean, organized shed by adding durable shelving into the space. You can then add baskets onto the shelving, which you can label for gardening tools, extension cords, outdoor toys, paint supplies, and more. It will ensure everything has a place, so it can eliminate unsightly clutter. Find the perfect shelving solutions for your shed at G-Rack.
Store Chemicals in Plastic Bins
Many people often store a variety of chemicals in their sheds throughout the years, such as:
- Weed killer
- Paint
- Oil
- Petrol/diesel
- Pesticide sprays
Yet these items can be both toxic and flammable when stored in a confined space. To prevent the chemicals from causing contamination in your shed, ensure they are stored in a heavy-duty plastic container.
Install Wire Shelving
Instead of installing wooden shelves into your shed, consider hanging wire shelving. Wooden shelves can quickly rot when exposed to water or moisture in a shed; however, wire shelving can be more hard-wearing. What’s more, they will allow more light to enter a space, which can be ideal when attempting to find an item in a dark, dull shed.
Use a Shovel Rack
Don’t allow loose rakes, brooms, and spades to clutter your shed. Instead, add a handy shovel rack into the space to effectively organize all your long-handled garden tools. It will free up more square footage in the shed and you will know exactly where to find an object as and when you need it.
Improve Ventilation
As mentioned, paint, oil and other chemicals can be flammable, especially during extreme temperatures. If your shed houses various chemicals, it is essential to improve its ventilation to ensure plenty of air circulates across the space, which can also prevent condensation. For example, install air vents into a shed before covering them with chicken wire, which can prevent animals from gaining entry. It might also be beneficial to open the door during hot summer temperatures.
Hang a Magnetic Bar
If you plan to use a shed as a workshop or storage space for your tools, a magnetic bar can become a superb addition. Once installed onto a wall, it can strongly hold and organize various tools, such as a handsaw, chisel, hammer, plain, and/or a wrench.
Mount Your Hosepipe to a Wall
Hosepipes have an annoying way of unraveling over time, which can make them a trip hazard in a shed. To care for a hose and prevent an unfortunate accident in the storage space, consider mounting it onto a wall using a hose hanger.