
6 Helpful Tips for Finding the Piano that Fits Your Living Space

A piano is a great thing to have in your home if you’re a music lover. The only problem with buying a piano that you love to play is actually getting it into your living space. Simply put, pianos are big. Even a “small” piano is still the size of a piece of furniture, and pianos can get up to 10 feet long. In many ways, choosing the right piano for your home is like choosing a dining room table or a couch. It needs to fit into your space and with the decor. This is no small feat, but these tips will help you choose a piano that best fits your home.

1. Consider the Size of Your Space

Before you do anything else, consider the size of your future piano room. If you’re getting a piano, you will likely put it in a larger space that can accommodate something between five feet wide and at least five feet long while leaving another five feet for the piano bench to sit comfortably. If you have a smaller space and you still want a grand piano, you can always opt for a baby grand instead. Baby grands have the same width as a full-size grand, but it is considerably shorter and possibly better for a smaller living room.

If you don’t have the floor space to make a grand piano the focal point of a room, an upright piano would be a better fit. Upright pianos can fit against a wall, in an alcove, or even in a separate room dedicated to playing and practicing music. It’s a great way to save space if space is limited.

2. Choose the Right Style of Piano

A piano is a musical instrument first and foremost, but it should also function as a part of your decor. After all, it’s likely not going to move much once you’ve decided where to put it. This means that any piano you buy should fit your home’s decor. If you have a more modern home with lots of open space, a grand piano with a glossy black finish should look great. On the other hand, if you have a smaller home with lots of square rooms and less floor space, a brown wooden upright can give your home a more old-fashioned look.

3. Consider Function

As great as a piano can look in the right space, the real reason most people buy a piano is because they want to play it. If you’re an accomplished pianist yourself and you plan to spend a lot of time at your keyboard, you’ll obviously want a great-sounding piano that will be the focal point of the room it’s in. If you only play for fun as a hobby or you have children in your home who are learning how to play, you can get something smaller that won’t clash too much with the rest of your decor.

4. Acoustic vs. Digital

In terms of sound quality and elegance, acoustic pianos are generally better than digital pianos, but a digital piano isn’t a bad option if you don’t have the space for an acoustic. If you live in an apartment or a smaller home, you might want to consider a digital keyboard. You can still find models that have all 88 keys and feel like acoustic models, but you won’t have to worry as much about their placement in your home.

5. Try Before You Buy

This has more to do with the piano’s sound than whether it will fit in your home, but you should always try a musical instrument before you buy it. You need to make sure that any piano you buy feels right for you and that you are happy with its sound.

6. Keep Your Piano in a Safe Place

Finally, make sure that anywhere you put a piano will be a safe environment for it. Avoid spaces where it will get too much direct sunlight, and don’t let the air in your home get too dry. Pianos are acoustic instruments, and they can be damaged by a lack of humidity. If you’re concerned about your home getting too dry, invest in a humidifier, and try to keep your home’s humidity around 50 percent during the winter.

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