
5 Ways to Save On Your Winter Heating Costs

The cold temperatures of the coming winter can put a big dent in your energy costs. As the weather becomes chillier, the natural response is to crank up the thermostat to help stay warm. Although this is the easiest way to keep toasty, it’s not the most economical solution.

Although you want to spend the cold days of winter snuggled warmly in your home with your family, there is no need to break the bank paying for your heating bills. With a bit of seasonal maintenance and the use of innovative eco-friendly tools, you can stay warm for less this winter.

Changing out your furnace filters with quality products with a high MERV rating and turning down the thermostat are just a few things that you can do to reduce your heating bills. Let’s take a look at some more tips to help you save money on your heating costs over the long winter.


It’s crucial that your furnace is in great shape before the cold weather hits. No one wants to deal with the dangerous cold without a working furnace. In the fall, it’s a good idea to call in professionals to do a quick inspection of your HVAC system to ensure that there are no problems. The smallest issues can be addressed before you light up your system and eliminate the possibility of any heating emergencies in the dead of winter.

Change Your Filters

It is recommended that you change out your furnace filters seasonally or every three months. Over time, your filters will collect dirt, dust, pollen, and environmental pollutants and can become clogged. When your filters are dirty, it takes more effort for your furnace to force air through the system and divert it through your home. When your furnace is struggling to work efficiently, you can expect to see a rise in your heating bills, so make sure to change out your filters.

Smart Thermostat

Studies show that reducing the temperature on your thermostat by just one degree can help bring down your heating bills without giving up too much comfort. For extra savings, you can go further and install a smart thermostat. This intuitive technology can help you to reduce your heating waste by adopting the schedule of your household. When you aren’t home, your smart thermostat will automatically reduce the temperature and raise it back up when you return home. It can be programmed to meet your specific needs and help you reduce your energy waste.


Much of the heat that escapes from your home is due to a lack of proper insulation. Your furnace is working hard to keep your home warm and comfortable, so you can be putting it under strain when you are losing unnecessary heat. Before the cold weather hits, take a trip up to your attic to inspect your insulation. Add a new layer of foam insulationto the corners and make sure that there are no drafts where warm air is escaping.

Seal Drafts

Cold air seeping into your home through your unsealed windows and doors can put a strain on your furnace. When your heating system has to work harder to keep your home comfortable you can expect to see an increase in your energy bills. Before the cold weather hits, make sure to seal all of your windows and doors to eliminate unnecessary drafts. 

Winter can be long and uncomfortable, but there’s no reason that you can’t keep your family warm and save money at the same time. Follow some of these tips to help you lower your heating bills this winter.

Infographic provided by Blue Dot, an air conditioning repair and maintenance company
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