
3 Tips for Keeping Your Couch Spotless

Our couch is a place where we relax, enjoy our favorite television show, and where we gather with our loved ones. Aesthetically speaking, it’s often the centerpiece of our living room and an important visual element of your décor.

For this reason, many of us invest in a high-quality couch that promises years of comfort and visual appeal. Yet all it takes is one wrong manipulation with our hand or a clumsy child for our beloved couch to become a beloved stained couch. (Gasp!)

There are a few things more frustrating than looking at our couch and noticing all of the stains and splatters built up over the years. Yet, life doesn’t be this way! Believe it or not, it’s possible to have a spotless couch that stands the test of time. All it takes are a few preventative measures. Here are some pro tips for keeping your couch looking its best.

Regular Cleaning

Whether you have a housekeeper or you do your house cleaning yourself, it’s essential that you regularly clean your couch with both the vacuum and steam cleaner. It doesn’t have to take long or be a time-consuming task you dread.

In fact, the more often you do it, the less time it will take. A simple and consistent maintenance schedule will ensure that your couch stays clean, crumb free, and looking its best.

Cover Your Couch

Hear us out, we’re not talking about those old plastic couch covers that you’re grandma used to use in the 80s. Think more of a soft fuzzy throw blanket that is machine washable. Choose something that goes with the same color as your couch, and the rest of your living room decor.

Alternatively, you may choose to use a couch cover which is a tight stretchy material that wraps around the entire size of your couch. This can be extremely practical for keeping your couch stain-free, however, it covers your entire couch which may not be ideal if you like the way your couch looks in its bare form.

Set Some Ground Rules

One of the biggest causes of couch stains is a simple lack of foresight. It’s important that you establish ground rules in your family so everyone knows what is and isn’t allowed on your couch. For example, make sure your pets are trained from an early age not to get up on the couch. Even a few exceptions will lead them to think that it’s acceptable behavior, and you’ll have a hard time reversing it in the future. You’re better off not letting them get on the couch from day one.

Make sure that your children know that they are not to drink or eat on the couch, whatsoever. If you hope to reinforce this rule, make sure that you follow the same rules yourself.

Children follow by example, so set a good one! Besides, everyone can be clumsy once in a while, including you. You don’t want to take the risk of an accidental spill. Save the drinks and food for where they belong—the kitchen and dining room!

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