
5 Ways to Stay Productive While Working From Home

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of people have been forced to continue their careers by working from home. With quarantine and shelter-in-place orders being mandated worldwide, workers are trying to hold onto their jobs by changing their routines. Although there are some significant advantages to working from home, many people can find it challenging to stay productive.

When you go to your workplace, you are naturally surrounded by more structure. Working from home requires you to create your work structure to stay on track. The idea of having the freedom to be your boss can be intoxicating, but few of us have the discipline to settle into work when left on our own.

Whether you are working from your living room or at the office, you have an essential job to do. Getting focused and using productivity tools like scheduling out your day or listening to a productivity music tool can help you meet your daily work goals getting the job done faster. Let’s look at a few ways to stay productive while working from home.

Create a Workspace

When you get to your regular office, you likely have a workstation waiting for you with all the things on hand that you need to do your job. This should be no different when working from home. Finding a space that you can set up as a dedicated work area is crucial to focusing and staying productive. Choose a place that can remain set up at all times in an area that gives you quiet, privacy, and limited distractions.

Create a Schedule

When your time is yours to manage, it can be challenging to stay on track without a proper schedule. Use your calendar or day scheduler to assign yourself specific tasks to be completed. For example, you may check your emails at 9:00 am and then review meeting notes at 10:30 am. Once you establish a routine, it’s much easier to complete your work.

Get In the Zone

Being able to focus on work while you are at home has a lot to do with attitude. Although it’s a luxury to be comfortable in your pajamas all day, it’s not the best mind space to be in to get productive. It’s a good idea to get dressed, even informally, before you start your workday. Keep regular work hours and plan the rest of your day around that schedule. Creating a consistent work routine will help you to focus when it’s time to get to work. 

Take Breaks

All work and no play is not the best recipe for productivity. It’s essential to give your brain a rest a few times during the day. When you are ready to switch to another task, it can help you take a short break from your home office to help you make the transition. Go for a short walk, tackle ten minutes of quick exercise, or get a healthy snack before you dive into your next task.


Most office environments frown on too much social media activity and not enough work. When you work from home, you don’t have anyone looking over your shoulder, and checking your social media accounts can be tempting. To avoid getting sucked into the Facebook or Twitter vortex and wasting too much time, try adding a few minutes on your schedule for media attention and then get back to work. 

Millions of workers are trying their best to adjust to the changes brought on by the pandemic. Working from home has revolutionized how many people do business, and some of the changes may stay around long after the end of the crisis. To get the most out of your work from home experience and try some of these tips to help you stay productive.

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