For those of you that know Square are aware of how slick their style is. Minimal is certainly key but they just seem to ooze sexiness. With the update of the application comes some new features such as receipt printers, cash drawers, and loyalty as well as the shiny new App icon!
Have a look at the feature page here.
That icon is so… cool. Most of all, I dig the subtle texture usage.
This kind of stuff makes me want to create themes for websites again. Too bad that I hate WP for it’s code-garbage, otherwise I would “borrow” some ideas and whip up a theme or two today.
Say, you don’t happen to know if (meanwhile) there’s a WordPress plugin to strip the useless stuff (IDs, Classes, useless html tags), do you?
Hi Mike, you mean like some code to drop in the functions.php file to strip all the unnecessary header code…