
Is It Feasible to Live a Minimalist Lifestyle in Arizona

You might not have heard the term “minimalist” before. If not, it means a lifestyle where you live more simply. Usually, that means having fewer possessions.

The Buddhist lifestyle stresses having fewer possessions, and several others do as well. There are homes for sale in Wickenburg, AZ, that will enable you to live as a minimalist, and you can find them in other parts of the country too.

Living as a minimalist in Arizona isn’t all about the house you choose, though. We’ll discuss how you can take steps in that direction if this lifestyle interests you.

Cosmetic Products

Let’s say you live in Arizona, and you’d like to start living as a minimalist. The first thing you might do is take a look at your cosmetics and beauty products.

Some people get by with very few cosmetics, but others might have dozens or even hundreds of them. Look in your bathroom or any space in your house where you get ready for work each day. Are these areas cluttered?

If they are, think about getting rid of as many of these items as possible. Only keep the ones you feel you can’t do without.


Clothing is another area where Arizona residents might take a hard look if they want to start living as minimalists. You might have a closet or wardrobe that is stuffed with clothing. However, how many of these articles do you actually wear?

Many times, if you look at your clothing collection, you’ll realize that you don’t wear many of the items you have there. Maybe some of them don’t fit you anymore, or they no longer match your style.

Consider going through your closets and dressers and getting rid of any clothing you have not worn in the past couple of years. Anything that meets that description can probably go to Goodwill.

Your Garage, Closet, or Anywhere Else That’s Cluttered

You might have a garage that’s full of broken tools or other implements that you no longer use. Maybe you have a basement or some hallway closets that are likewise stuffed full of unnecessary items.

Take some time and go through each of these places. Consider each item and whether you have any further use for it. Many times, if you get a larger house or living space, you will get more items until the space is full.

Arizona Residents Can Learn to Live More Simply

Arizona residents might learn by watching TV, listening to the radio, and through other sources that they are meant to consume, and that is their main purpose. It goes against the minimalist philosophy to think that way.

Many times, Arizona residents who get rid of most of their unnecessary items feel better once they’re done. They feel unencumbered.

You will never know how big of a difference it can make to get rid of all your clutter until you do it. Letting go might be hard, but you should feel the benefits just as soon as you finish.

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