Quick little post we thought was worthy of a feature. Emami Design came up with this can concept that allows a compact size for disposal and a solid grip for drinking. Pretty neat and won a red dot award in the productivity category for design concept!
Handycan allows empty beverage cans to be compressed easily and comfortably. Its shape is adapted to the dimensions of the average human hand.
Red Dot adds:
In many countries, beverage cans are collected after consumption and recycled. This foldable can concept allows empty beverage cans to be compressed easily and comfortably. Handycan can be crushed simply by being pressed together. Reducing can volume results in cost savings for transportation to the recycling station as well as for storage beforehand.
The depth and radius of the grooves on the outer surface of the can are adapted to the dimensions of the average human hand. This results in better handling for the consumer as well as a better grip. The shape is also striking, grabs attention, and subsequently encourages recognition of and popularity for the potential brand.
Interesting but flawed for a few reasons; no-one actually holds a can like this in real life, cans need vertical structural rigidity for stacking (both post and pre-fill), and if you have ever seen how a can is made you will know that this is either impossible, or too complicated to be economical. Nice concept, but red dot award? Really?