Your house is generally the most valuable item you own, so when you come to sell it on, it’s normal you want to get maximum value for it. There are lots of different ways you can achieve this, and you can start working on them from the moment you take ownership of your property.
Like most things, it takes investment to add value to your house, but when you follow these steps, you not only make your home a better space to live in, but you also earn that money back when you come to sell.
From small changes to big structural fixes, here are six ways you can add value to your house.
Apply for Planning Permission
You don’t have to physically do anything to your house to add value to it. By getting planning permission for your property, you can add significant value to it without any building work taking place.
That’s not to say getting planning permission will be easy – it’s a complicated process that can take time, but if you can get it, then it will add a big chunk of value to your house. People love the idea of being able to put their own mark on a house, and planning permission allows them to do this.
Fix Structural Issues
Structural issues can have a significant impact on your house, and often they pop up at the worst time – right before you’re about to complete on a sale.
If you’ve got structural issues, then they will come up when you come to sell the house, and they will mean you don’t realize as much value as you might have hoped. Getting these issues fixed in advance will cost you money, but in the long run, it might end up saving you money by helping you to get a better price for your house.
If you suspect you might have some structural issues, then it’s well worth getting them checked out and fixed.
Loft/Garage Conversion
Adding an extra bedroom to your house is always an excellent way to add value, and if you’ve got a loft or garage, then you might have the perfect opportunity.
While you might lose some storage space, you can make up for this by packing your new room full of innovative storage, helping you to find a home for all your stuff while also allowing you to realize more of the value in your house.
Your garage or loft might be a great space, but how often do you actually use it? If you can turn them into functional rooms, then you stand to benefit.
Touch Up Your Kitchen/ Bathroom
When someone is viewing your house and picturing themselves living there, two of the most important rooms are the kitchen and bathroom. If these look tired and outdated, then they’re going to give the same impression of your whole house even if it’s not the case.
Little things like a bathroom re-grout can make a big difference in how people perceive your house and, subsequently, how much they are willing to offer for it. If you can keep your kitchen and bathroom in excellent condition with modern fittings, then it’s going to help add value to your property.
They might just be two rooms in your house, but they play a significant role in how people perceive your property.
Double Glazing
The vast majority of homes these days have double glazing, but if yours doesn’t, then it is an area where you can upgrade and add value to your house.
Like any of the tips on this list, it requires an upfront investment, but in the long run, it will help to add value to your house and save you money. Asides from the added value, you also have the benefits of better insulation, helping you to save money on your heating bills.
Garden Makeover
Functional garden space is a factor that can add lots of value to your house, but there’s a difference between a perfectly sculpted space and a jungle!
If you’ve got a beautiful garden space that people can see themselves in, then it’s going to have a significant effect when it comes to people making offers on your house. On the other hand, if your garden is wild and unkempt, then all people will see are the costs of sorting it out.
You don’t have to turn your back yard into something worthy of the Chelsea Flower Show, but you should be looking to make it presentable and homely.
Alec Neufeld’s extensive background in the construction trade fuels his passion for alternative energy and green building methods. A retired builder, he now enjoys a freelance writing career, alongside helping people as a general contractor.