
6 Signs That Your Home’s Heating Unit Needs to Be Repaired

Have you found that it’s harder than it used to be for your home’s heating unit to keep pace with cold weather? If changing the furnace filter doesn’t help, it’s time to call a professional HVAC repair person. You can also keep an eye out for any of the following clues that your heating unit needs to be repaired.


1. Your Energy Bills Are Soaring


When your energy bills suddenly spike upward without explanation, it’s a safe bet that your furnace isn’t operating properly anymore. Have an expert inspect your heating unit right away. Otherwise, you’ll keep paying elevated bills until your furnace dies. Not only will this hurt your pocketbook but it’s also terrible for the environment.


2. Your Indoor Air Quality is Suffering


Although this might not seem connected to your furnace, the truth is that your indoor air quality can tell you a lot about the health of your heating unit. Has it become drier than usual in your home? Have you started to notice excess dust on your belongings? Both of these are potential symptoms that a bigger problem is brewing.


3. There is a Cold Room in Your House


When your vents are all open but one or more rooms in your home remain cold, it could mean that your furnace isn’t running efficiently. Even worse, there might be another room that stays overly warm. This problem can make everyone suffer, and it’s likely to become more problematic over time.


4. Your Furnace Makes Odd Noises


Another telltale sign of furnace trouble is when you hear squeaks, pops, rattling, or creaks. Each noise indicates your heating unit could have a loose piece, and it’s vital you have this problem corrected. Otherwise, the piece will eventually fall off, which could lead to your unit not working at all. Have this problem repaired before it becomes a major issue.


5. Your Heating Unit Keeps Cycling


Your furnace isn’t working at peak efficiency if it keeps cycling on and off. Reasons for this issue include an oversized furnace, an overheating furnace, or a malfunctioning thermostat. Allowing this to continue without having a qualified technician take a look at it could lead to an increase in your heating bills, along with causing permanent damage to your unit.


6. Your Furnace Takes a Long Time to Heat Up


When your heating unit is working properly, it will provide almost instant relief as soon as you turn it on. When it needs to be repaired, though, it will take seemingly forever for your house to warm up. Again, this is bad for your heating bill, and it also means your furnace is working harder than it should.


If you’ve experienced any of the above issues, it’s a wise idea to contact a professional HVAC company right away. Remember that taking care of repairs before they end up causing your furnace to die altogether will always cost you less money, so don’t delay. Unless you have knowledge of an HVAC system, it’s best to leave repairs to a professional because you could end up making it worse.

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