For this type of paint, you will need oil as a binder and mineral pigments to give it color. The type of oil recommended is flax or flaxseed oil and the preparation is very simple since you only have to mix the oil with the color until its total dissolution.
This type of paint is usually used in untreated woods and can be finished with waxes to protect the result obtained.
The milk paint uses milk casein as a binder. To obtain milk casein we will need a liter of milk, put it in a saucepan and set aside just before it starts to boil. Out of the fire add 50 cc of white vinegar, stirring little by little, then we will separate with a colander or filter the way of the rennet (lumpy part), which is what we use for the preparation of the paint.
As a base pigment, we will use about 50 grams of lime, chalk or marble powder, which we will dissolve with a little water before adding it to the rennet of the milk. Once we have obtained a homogeneous mixture of the rennet and the pigment, we will add the water that is necessary to obtain adequate consistency to paint.
The milk paint has an opaque finish and its color is reduced once dry, so you have to give several hands to get the desired color. It is suitable for absorbent surfaces such as plaster, cement or natural wood, however, it does not adhere on metal surfaces, plastic, with glossy finish paints or synthetic enamels. We can give it a finish with colorless wax to waterproof and last longer the paint.
The lime paint is economical, disinfectant and allows the walls to breathe. For its preparation, we will need 2 to 4 kilos of construction lime or hydrated lime, 1 kilo of salt and 250 ccs of vinyl glue (it can be substituted for 250 grams of milk powder and water). All the ingredients are mixed with the pigment and we will have our lime paint ready to use. Moreover you can get help form painters Toronto.
The amount of lime we use will depend on the consistency we want to give the paint, the more lime it has, the thicker it will be. Also, keep in mind that you have to stir the mixture quite often as the lime tends to go to the bottom of the container.
This type of paint is usually used to paint exteriors or rustic interiors and is usually colored with oxides.
The starch can be used as a binder in the paint thanks to its binding and thickener power. To prepare the starch paint we will need 150 grams of potatoes or rice, water, plaster, and pigment.
First, we cook the potatoes or the rice and we will make a puree, then we will add about 400 ml of boiling water, mix everything and filter it with a fine cloth. On the other hand, we dilute the plaster and the pigment with a little cold water and join it to the previous mixture.
This painting provides a velvety finish and is ideal for interior walls, wood, and cardboard. If we want to provide a brighter finish and waterproof it, we can add a tablespoon of linseed oil.