Like all art forms, designis a very personal thing. What one person considers to be the height of taste and sophistication another might consider a monstrosity. It is easy to forget that even the urban environments that we live, work, and spend our free time in, had to be designed themselves.
Urban design is all about ensuring that when urban spaces are created, they are done so with a purpose. Urban expansion inevitably causes the loss of some green spaces and natural habitats. It is, therefore, vital that where we are sacrificing precious natural space, we are doing so for projects that are beneficial and responsible.
The following urban design trends are the ones that look set to play the most prominent role in how local governments approach urban spaces over the next year. While it is impossible to be certain about these things, these trends seem like the safest bets as market leaders in the near future.
Eco-friendly Spaces
The world has never been more environmentally conscious, which is undoubtedly a good thing. The effects of climate change are now starting to manifest, and we may soon hit a critical point of no return. Environmentalism is something that we need to be encouraging at all levels. As individuals, we should be striving to lead by example in being more environmentally friendly. But, it is at the government level that real change is needed.
This is reflected in increasedattention being paid to the environmental impact of new urban construction projects. Some of this is legally mandated at the federal or state level. Some localities will also have bylaws relating to unique geographic features and wildlife habitats.
Multi-Use Designs
As population levels expand throughout the United States and major urban centers continue to grow, it is becoming harder and harder to justify constructing spaces which can only be used for a single specific purpose. Instead, it represents much better value to construct spaces which can serve multiple different functions.
Taking this approach will save local governments money and thus allow them to spend more of it where it is needed. Making spaces more adaptable and versatile saves both money and space, two resources that many local governments wish they had more of. If you are interested in learning more about how urban design works behind the scenes, then consider studying a civil engineering degree. Ohio University is one of many excellent universities that offersuch a course. You can even study online through Ohio University Online.
Blending In
As obvious as it sounds, the more people there are, the more stuff we need. Large populations of people will need infrastructure, entertainment, amenities, and everything else that we find in our everyday environment. However, the more we build, the less free space there is. In many places, we have already lost a significant amount of the wildlife that was once present.
It is, therefore, increasingly becoming a priority for developers to design buildings which blend in with their environment. In the English countryside, it is mandated that new construction projects must preserve the aesthetic of the landscape. This means that designs must be subtle; often, they incorporate the landscape itself.
Urban design is a constantly evolving field. As with any creative industry, urban design is also influenced by unpredictable elements. For example, the skills and tastes of individual architects affect the work they produce.
Lucy has been working in the fashion industry for six years. A dedicated follower of all things fashion and beauty, she is passionate about new industry developments. Lucy is now a full time freelance fashion writer.