
The Ultimate Camping Checklist

Australians love the great outdoors and as the summer is fast-approaching, now is the time to start thinking about camping adventures. There’s nothing to compare with camping in the Outback, one of the reasons so many people love living around nature and let’s face it, you couldn’t have a better camping venue than Australia.

Here is our camping checklist to make sure that nothing gets overlooked when planning your next expedition.

  • Solar Blanket – If you haven’t already acquired one of these, search online and check out the latest generation of solar blankets and lithium-ion batteries that provide you with energy independence. Roll the blanket out on the truck roof in the morning and you’ll have all the power you need.
  • Mozzie Solutions – We’ve gone hi-tech with mosquito protection, with mozzie wristbands, patches and chemical free mosquito repellent, all of which are available online. While burning coils might be successful to some degree, there are better ways to protect yourself from these flying vampires.
  • Water – If you have access to local water, use your water purification tablets, or put enough water cans on the camper trailer to cover you for the entire trip, although that might take up a lot of valuable space. As you leave civilisation, buy a few litres of drinking water extra, just in case.
  • Tent – A bit obvious, whether you use a tent or a camper trailer, make sure that all is packed and complete when loading up; a hammer for knocking in pegs (if required), LED lights and other gadgets and that all the tent poles are present. Click here for tips when buying a holiday home.
  • Digital Devices – Just because you are in a remote region, that doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected and with USB ports on a charger unit, you can charge your smartphone and tablet at will. Google Maps often comes in handy (make sure you have Internet coverage), plus you can take some wow images and videos.
  • First Aid Kit – Just how complete you want to go with this is up to you, but at least have a basic first aid kit in your vehicle. It does depend on how far away from civilisation you are; remote regions demand a comprehensive first aid solution.
  • Safety Precautions – If you are heading into the wilderness for any length of time and won’t have Internet access, you should inform a friend where you are going and when you are expected to return, asking them to initiate assistance if they don’t hear from you. Make sure you spend time thinking about essential items to include, depending on the nature of your camping trip.
  • LED Lighting – There are some amazing LED light devices that are perfect for camping; check out the online supplier and order some energy efficient illumination for your next trip.

The other important thing to do is check for current Covid updates, as things can change at any time and with everything planned, your camping adventure will soon begin.

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