There are ways that you shouldn’t structure an academic paper, and there are ways which you should structure an academic paper. Instead of listing the ways that you shouldn’t structure an academic paper, we are going to list the ways that you should structure an academic paper.
The first thing that you should do is research what you are writing about. Take down notes, highlight books, print pages off. Once you have done this, write out where your information is going to fit in in your essay.
You should always start off with an introduction. Introduce your reader to what you are going to talk about in your paper.
The next step is to structure the body of your paper. The body of your paper is the paragraphs, and/or chapters which are between the introduction and the conclusion. The body of your academic paper should be carefully structured. Structure your paper in a way which flows, is understandable to the reader and leaves them feeling that you have answered their questions.
Make sure that they understand your position, the topic and have no questions left at the end of their reading of your paper. If you do this, your line of thought will be coherent, logical and convincing.
An academic paper properly structured will give you a coherent line of thought, a logical line of thought, and a convincing line of thought, which will make for an excellent academic paper. Reaching these points will depend upon whether you have structured your academic paper correctly.
Structuring your academic paper should be in the following way, in this order:
The abstract of the paper should be put first. An abstract is a short preview of what is within your academic paper. It sells your paper.
The introduction follows your abstract. Your introduction should focus on what is within your paper and the question, or questions which you will answer in your paper, and the stance that you will be taking in this paper.
An introduction should basically summarize what you are about to say in the paper. A strong introduction will let the reader know what they can expect to find in the paper that they are about to read.
The main part of the paper, the part which should be the main focus of your paper and contain the most words, is the body of the paper.
The body of the paper will have several things within it. Such as evidence, this evidence is things like other academic papers cited, studies and research. It also includes your methodology.
Within this section, it’s important to show your understanding of the topic, answer questions and provide a strong argument to persuade the reader of your point. A strong argument is when you take other arguments (that you disagree with and don’t find them convincing), dismantle their argument and show why their argument is flawed.
Strong academic papers don’t just try and convince their reader of their point, they also show why their opponent’s argument is wrong.
Finally, your last writing part of the paper should be your conclusion and results. You should round up what you’ve been discussing in your paper, discuss your research and argue why they support your argument.
You should include your research, both primary and secondary (if you are using both), and show which conclusion your research has reached, you should leave your reader satisfied and convinced of your argument.
Persuading your reader of your argument and research is one important point of your academic paper, as is presenting your research. This research should be presented in a way which is non-emotive and logical. It should be free of biased and aim to be as objective as is possible.
Finally, you should round off your academic paper by making sure that you put your sources in at the end of your academic paper. This section will include an appendix or bibliography; this will show your reader your sources and evidence. This is important because a) it will give your reader the evidence to research those sources themselves, and b), it shows that you haven’t just made things up; you are backing your points up with evidence.
If you have problems with structuring your paper the right way – you always have an opportunity to ask a cheap writing service for help.