A time once existed when, if you lived in New York City, you could get relatively cheap Brooklyn apartments if you couldn’t afford rent in Manhattan. Those days are long past, though. As we approach 2023, most Brooklyn apartments are every bit as expensive as their Manhattan counterparts.
There are plenty of luxury apartments in NYC for sale, but not everyone can afford them. If you’re wondering what borough will fit you best, take a little time to consider the following.
Where Do You Work?
The first thing you’ll want to consider if you’re trying to choose between Brooklyn and Manhattan is where you work. Let’s say you work in Midtown Manhattan. If so, you might want to look for something there if you can afford it.
You may have to put up more money for an apartment close to your job, but if you work in Manhattan and commute from Brooklyn, that’s going to consume a lot of your time every day. For instance, maybe you live in Borough Park or Bay Ridge. You’ll be reliant on the N or R trains, and they’re not exactly dependable. You might need an hour or more to get to work in the morning, and you’ll have to go through that same slog in the evening.
Do You Want to Deal with Tourists?
New York is also a tourist destination. However, tourists don’t usually spend as much time in Brooklyn as they do in Manhattan, especially if you live in a more out-of-the-way neighborhood like Greenpoint.
If you live in Manhattan, there are more tourists around, clogging up the sidewalks. It’s true that you might not see as many of them if you live in a less-popular part of Manhattan. Still, even the seldom-traveled parts of Manhattan are more likely to see a sudden barrage of tourists than less well-known Brooklyn neighborhoods.
How Much Do You Care About Attractions and Night Life?
You can certainly find plenty to do in Brooklyn, with live music venues, tons of restaurants, and so forth. Still, Brooklyn does not compare to Manhattan when it comes to attractions.
Maybe you came to New York because you wanted to be close to Times Square, Madison Square Garden, the Empire State Building, and the Theater District. All of that is in Manhattan. If you want to be as close as possible to the bright lights and the hustle and bustle, Manhattan is probably going to be the best place for you.
Think About the Lifestyle You Want
Generally, Brooklyn is the borough for New York residents who want to be left alone. There are some more active parts, but many of the neighborhoods, especially the ones further along the train lines, are quiet at night and calm during the day.
If you don’t want the bombastic big-city vibe, you will likely choose one of the less-traveled Brooklyn neighborhoods. If you want the nightlife and the feeling of being close to all the frantic action, you’ll probably opt for Manhattan.