Minimalist Home Decoration Tips
I wanted to have the title as ‘Min Dec Tips’ which would be keeping with the minimalist theme, however no matter how we want to strip back in life, we sometimes do need to explain and reject brevity to get our point across. For your minimalist eyes, I have compiled some minimal decoration tips, with explanation so you know what I’m talking about.
Colourless for a Colourful Life
Less is definitely more in terms of your colour palette when decorating a minimalist space. Lots of colours create a busy look that can become loud and overpowering – plus it looks messy. When designing a room, pick one colour and then decorate using the different shades of that one colours, whilst throwing in neutrals like white and gray.
Ornate is Outdated
Ornate patterns, whether they’re fabric patterns or carved on wood or metal, are very busy for the eye and it stops the viewer gazing seamlessly around your wonder home. What you need to do is create space using simple lines that don’t veer off at odd angles. Straight lines or delicate curves are what you should be aiming for.
Warm Coldness
Minimalist design gets a bad reputation for being cold and barren and so you need to reject this idea. Once the basic furniture (that isn’t ornate) has been placed to perfection, you need to introduce some fabrics (in a gradient of your chosen color) to warm the place up. This creates a nice balance and contrasts with the straight lines that you’ve already created.
Centerpiece Simplicity
Centerpieces, by their very nature are eye catching and draw the viewer’s gaze, however we want to create a minimalist space and so you need to choose your centerpieces carefully. If the table is the main feature of a room, then the centerpiece should be plain and unadorned and relatively small. A good tip I got from Design Milk is too have the same bowl but in decreasing sizes. Maybe three identical bowls, but just different sizes. It does the job, but retains the simplicity of the look you’re going for.
Art is the Key
This is a very difficult aspect to get right. The art you choose is your chance to get some personality into the room; however you have to choose carefully as one wrong piece of art can throw the entire room into disarray. Try to keep the art you decide to hang minimalist, but with enough of your personality shining through it. Always think about the colors in your room so that you can complement your room with the art, unless you’re very clever and think you can add in a contrasting piece of art that will become a centerpiece for that little touch of abstraction and, dare I say it: danger.
Minimalism depends on where you are in the country as states like Texas and New York reject minimalism in their design, however individual cities like Austin and New York are fully embracing the minimalist design and so look for Brooklyn or Avana homes for sale to get some inspiration for how to decorate your own home. Try new things and always get a second opinion and you’ll have a home that will stay modern and trendy for eternity. Minimalism never goes out of style.
This is a guest post by Lauren Topor, a lifestyle writer based in the Southwest who spends her days writing about food and health, fashion, fitness and entertainment.