You can safely say that office space is ever changing. It is supposed to closely follow the company’s growth. The office needs to directly reflect current vision and goals, and by doing so, it is susceptible to constant tweaks and upgrades in order to cater to both old and new employees and create an atmosphere where creativity and communication thrive and stress diminishes.
We wanted to take a peek into what should the most important elements of office space design are and we found answers at Shore Office Warehouse who were kind enough to shed some light.
Reasons for change
In order to commit to a change you should first understand what your plans are and what exactly is needed to achieve that. Are you planning to hire more people and need more space? Maybe you want to create new teams or merge people to start a new project? Maybe you were never quite satisfied with the current space and want to renovate, or move to a new one?
Next up is deciding how to conduct these changes: do you want to stay within budget and renovate? Maybe you can create more space by getting new, less bulky furniture. Or a completely new office space to give all of your employees a fresh start. You should also consider the type of work conducted there, customer service does not have the same requirements as IT, etc.
It is imperative to hear your team out and implement their opinions into your planning to ultimately achieve increased productivity, creativity and overall improved work ethics and prosperity. Office space should reflect the vision you have for your company, but it’s the employees who will be working there, and they should be able to give their suggestions. Once you have gathered your reasons, it’s a good idea to get some inspiration from local office outfitters, like
Building a brand
Suit makes the man. Your office space needs to leave a good impression to both the workers and visitors. It is the visual representation of everything the company stands for. Care and love you put into design will affect the attitude people develop towards the brand. Believe it or not, your online presence will not suffice if the workspace is messy.
Feel at home
We are steadily moving away from closed off, isolated cabins to a more open, approachable desks to ease communication and flexibility. It is important to be able to share ideas and thoughts in a more casual and relaxed atmosphere where people feel safe and inspired.
It is not very easy to reach that level especially because people are different and appreciate different work conditions. The best case scenario is to find balance between the will to change and grow and your employees’ character and personal wants. One of the problems of this open space can affect privacy negatively and generate more noise.
A safe environment
Safety is always a priority, no matter what. Office space needs be designed to avoid injury or exposure to health hazards. Lighting needs to be good and there should be enough room for people to move around without the risk of bumping into each other, slipping, falling or just feeling annoyed in their everyday motion due to poor layout. Desks with adjustable height where you can choose to either stand or sit and regular walks should prevent health risks from long sitting periods.
Which materials to use?
Last but not least, it is recommended to opt for a eco-friendly office with a lot of natural light, fresh air and plants. You can implement wooden elements for a warm and cozy feel mixed with metal to add a more industrious and serious tone to the mix, and finally a lot of greenery in every corner as a touch of nature and a stress reliever. When it comes to recycled furniture San Diego is the leader in eco-friendly office furniture use.