Almost every house owner wants to have a garage. It’s the perfect spare room for any house: you can keep your car safer, it’s a place to casually hang out with buddies, it doubles up as a workspace, etc. Fortunately, many suburban homes have them by default, though a lot of people don’t use them to their full potential.
A garage needs to be properly organized, so even if it’s not spacious a lot of stuff can be placed and displayed there. It also needs to function as a certain space within the household and not only be used for getting in and out of the car. In this modern age, people have started being more aware of these things and are adapting accordingly, improving their garages into more lively and useful spaces.
All About the Storage
Garages are notorious as being storage rooms rather than anything else, filled with cardboard boxes of stuff you bought but don’t use and don’t have the willpower to throw out. If used like that – it is a very poor way of storage. But that can easily be changed with a bit of organization and willpower.
First thing is to classify everything that is present, so you know what you’re working with. Some memorabilia and items with nostalgic value should be kept, as well as tools, but everything, if it doesn’t have at least a periodic use, should be given or sold off. For ideas on how to store garage items check these out, as strong cabinets for tools and other things are needed in these spaces. Furthermore, proper labeling and storage mean more stuff can be placed without taking up so much space, and that projects you’re working on get the room they need.
Car-Centered and People-Centered
Garages are, by their design, oriented towards cars – after all, it’s a space built so you can park inside of it. But considering how large garages can be and that they often have much more space than is needed to park the whole room can be used for so much more than just parking.
In 2020 there has been a sharp rise in the number of time people spent on DIY projects, which is completely understandable given the situation many people were in. And many of those hours were spent in garages on improvized or dedicated workbenches. Even if this trend doesn’t continue once people return to a normal working environment there will still be a strong impression that garages can serve as a workshop too.
Making your garage more people-oriented means adding some furniture to make it cozier, adding decorations such as posters, but also inviting people over to work on projects together. It’s much easier for someone to come and help you work on that cool new idea if they know they can be inside and that you’ll have all the tools needed nicely organized.
A Safe Work Space
Other than good organization of space, one must also be aware of the risks that are involved. For example, proper ventilation is essential in any closed space where an engine could be running, or where you plan on using paint. The easiest solution is to simply lift open the door and allow air to freely circulate, though that is not advisable during the colder months.
Take note that there is an unusually high number of garage door injuries annually, so having proper ventilation besides that may be even more advisable. Having good lighting is also essential for anyone who plans to spend a lot of time there. LED lights are the way to go, as they consume a lot less electricity for the amount of light given, and they tend to last a lot longer than traditional light bulbs.
A big part of using a garage as something else than parking is keeping it clean – even if you don’t have drainage on the floor you can still cover the concrete with acrylic or epoxy resin to make it easier to clean with water. Dust, oil, and metal particles that set on the floor will eventually also find their way inside the house if you’re not pedantic enough.
There are numerous ways one can improve their garage in this day and age, all that is truly needed is an idea and willpower. Hopefully, now you see that there are a lot of opportunities to do so much more than just get in and out of a car, so with just a little bit of remodeling, a garage can become a unique space for everyone with a creative spirit.