One of the best things to do when troubleshooting a circuit is to ensure that the circuit is dead. This will help prevent mistakes when you are working with the electrical system. To check whether the circuit is dead, you can use a socket tester or voltage tester/meter for lighting circuits. A circuit faults an electrical system when it’s not working. But you may need clarification as to what is causing the problem. Mr. Electric of Fort Worth has tips for you to find the fault but if you still need an electrician in Southlake, give us a call for service.
The most common places to start are light fittings, switches, and wall sockets. Check for signs of burning and discoloration, test for power with a socket tester, or read your voltmeter and check whether the circuit is live. If so, you’ll have to work around the electricity and ensure it’s switched off at the main switch. You should also check any appliances in the home are unplugged and switch off the main circuit breaker at the fuse box or consumer unit.
When you know where the fault is, you will be able to fix it. If the fuse blows when you put on the power, the wires are likely damaged inside, and this will be a job not for anyone but an electrician.
Switch Off the Main Power at the Consumer Unit/Fuse Box
If you’re going to work on an electrical circuit, you need to make sure that it’s dead. You can do this by turning off the main power at the consumer unit/fuse box, switching off the breaker, and locking it if you can. Then attach a note to the unit to advise you are working on the circuit just in case someone else comes along. They may turn the circuit back on. Unaware someone is working on it.
For lighting circuits, you must check whether the circuit is dead with a socket tester or voltage tester/meter. If it’s not, then proceed with your inspection.
Even better, if you can switch off the circuit breaker and lock it, then you don’t need to worry if someone will accidentally turn the electricity back on. It will provide you with far better peace of mind.
Check Whether the Circuit is Dead with a Socket Tester or Voltage Tester/Meter for Lighting Circuits
If you’re trying to find an electrical fault in a lighting circuit, check whether the circuit is dead with a socket tester or voltage meter/tester. Ensure all the lights in the room are turned off before doing this test; otherwise, you might get incorrect results.
Plug your socket tester or voltage meter/tester into an outlet on the wall and turn on all switches connected to the tested circuit. If there is no voltage present on this wire, then there is likely something wrong with it somewhere between where it comes from the main panel (or fuse box) and where it goes back into the wall box where it was installed originally by an electrician during construction.
The next step would be inspecting every wire inside that outlet box for any sign of fraying or damage.
Conversely, if there are volts present, check all other outlets in this room to see if they also have power going to them before further troubleshooting steps.
Mr. Electric of Fort Worth
Of course, this is a short list. For a complete list of procedures, you can follow for testing an electrical system, visit the NEC and your local library or bookstore. Before starting your test, you should practice on a few outlets in your own home. If you aren’t comfortable with DIY electrical work, Mr. Electric of Fort Worth can send an electrician in Lake Worth to help find your issue and repair it.