
Dune House

Dune House is a minimalist house located in Terschelling, The Netherlands, designed by Marc Koehler Architects. The residence is inspired by the dune landscape of one of the northern Dutch islands in which the home is embedded. The interior layout, much like the various view points on a dune landscape, consists of submerged, intimate spaces, as well as elevated spaces to take in the views.



The various spaces are contiguous along a spiral route, connecting the underground spaces, such as the bedroom, with the living and dining spaces above. As a result, each space has a personal and unique connection with the surrounding landscape, with large steps creating some of the split-level floors.

The contemporary loft interior is matched by a traditional facade and roof structure – requirements set by the local government. In addition, the facade matches the local architecture of pitched and turtle roofs while simultaneously being inspired by the typography of the natural landscape. The house is almost entirely built out of innovative ecological materials and eco-friendly installations and is highly energy efficient.




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