The bedroom is your safe haven, so why not make it the absolute best it can be. While it can be challenging to take the time to make changes to your bedroom, it can drastically improve your quality of life.
Think about it, there are likely certain aspects of your bedroom that are less than ideal—maybe it’s overcrowded or the lighting is terrible so you can’t relax when it’s time to get ready for bed. Or, there’s no organization which makes getting ready for work in the morning a hassle. Either way, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not optimizing your sleeping quarters.
Plus, these are all factors that you have control over and are fairly easy to fix. Here are our top 3 bedroom upgrades that can tailor your space to your needs:
Get a New Mattress
Take a moment to think about how long it’s been since you’ve purchased a mattress. If you can’t remember how long it’s been, that might be a red flag. The Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every seven to 10 years, however, some mattresses can last longer. The major signs that might indicate that it’s time for a new mattress is waking up feeling sore, you’re still tired even when you get a full night’s sleep, or you sleep better other places than your own bed.
Fortunately, there are more types of mattresses to choose from than ever before, and many with advanced technology that is designed to provide the support your body needs. Remember, the mattress is the foundation for your bed so before settling, try a few out. You might want to start with a memory foam mattress which has been a consumer favorite for years.
Swap Out Your Lighting
Overly bright lighting can make spending time in your room feel unpleasant and even exhausting. While it’s okay to have one lamp for task lighting, say on a desk, you want to choose bulbs that are a soft or warm white for near your bed or hanging overhead. These tones will help you unwind and feel more relaxed instead of making you feel more alert. They even have energy-efficient LED bulbs that are perfect for the bedroom.
If lighting placement is also an issue, you should consider a new lamp or lighting fixture. We don’t exactly get to choose how the lighting is laid out in our bedrooms, or so you might think. As long as there’s a nearby outlet, you can configure your light fixtures however you like. Whether you choose some dreamy string lights or a soothing hanging light that casts subtle lighting over your bed, you have plenty of options to create the ambiance that suits you.
Declutter Your Space
If your bedroom is too cluttered, disorganized, or downright messy, you might notice that you feel on edge or stressed while in your bedroom. In fact, many people with disorderly sleeping quarters find that they avoid them until bedtime; but did you know it might actually be impacting your quality of sleep? You’ve likely got a running list of things you need to go through or papers you need to throw away that are just taking up surface and drawer space, which can make you feel restless.

Luckily, decluttering your bedroom is fairly easy if you set aside the time to just get it done. First, you’ll obviously want to get rid of the things you don’t need. This sounds easy, but actually beginning this process is a hard thing for many, which is why I have heard from many, that they seek help from a qualified counsellor or therapist here.
Once you have it down to your essentials that need to be sorted and put in their place, think about what types of storage solutions fit into the design of your room.
If you have a lot of closet space that can be taken advantage of, you could purchase a few standing organizers that will fit inside. If your dressers are overflowing, drawer organizers are available in all shapes and sizes that can easily tame the mess. The real problem might be that your decor is too busy and it’s creating chaotic energy in your space, in which case, you should really consider taking a more minimalist approach.
Whatever your bedroom challenges, there’s likely a fairly quick fix that can be made to make your room more accommodating, relaxing, and conducive to a healthy and productive lifestyle.