
Creating A Moving Day Checklist

Moving from one home to another is a terrific way to take stock of your possessions. You may be moving up to a larger space or downsizing to a home that suits your needs more efficiently. By creating and following a checklist, you can sort and pack with focus and intention.

Creating a Moving Day Checklist

There are many templates online that you can use as a basis for your moving day checklist. On the actual day of your move, most items should be checked off. To keep things efficient, it may be most effective to go into travel or hotel mode on the day before and the day after your move.

Use a suitcase or overnight bag and carry toiletries, pajamas, and a change of clothes. If possible, pack an extra bag with linens so everyone has a towel and sheets for their bed. Even if you’re sleeping on mattresses on the floor, you can get some rest before you tackle the unpacking.

The Importance of Having a Checklist

With a checklist in place, you can be sure that your utilities will be turned off or transferred in a timely manner. You don’t want to pay for more heat and power than you need, but you don’t want the lights turned off as you’re doing your final cleaning of the apartment you’re leaving.

By working through a checklist over months as you prepare to move, you can also plan ahead for what you need to turn on at your new house. If you’re buying a home, you’ll need to get water, gas, and electricity turned on in the new space so you can move in with some comfort.

You can also map out what items will go into each room in your new space. If your children have been sharing a room and you’re moving into a larger house, consider color-coding or numbering boxes to make things easier for movers.

Remaining Stress-Free During a Move

Hire professional movers for the heavy stuff. These experts can also help with packing your belongings. If you’re going to DIY your move, accept all offered help! A friend who can’t lift heavy items can pack delicate collectibles, take your children to the park, or collect cash at your moving sale.

Consider treating yourself to a cleaning service. Knowing that your new home has been professionally cleaned can make the moving process easier. Hiring professional cleaners to take care of the home you’re leaving can also reduce your stress.

Make sure you guard your health during your move. It may be tempting to get donuts and caffeine on the morning of your move, but these treats can make you edgy and leave you feeling exhausted. Stay hydrated and keep your protein intake up so you can work steadily until all your possessions are settled in your new space.

Moving is never easy, but a checklist can help you make sure you get everything taken care of in both your new space and the home you’re leaving. Don’t try to keep information in your head. Keep a checklist and a notebook handy.

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