
3 Minimalist Home Essentials

It might sound like a contradiction to suggest that there are objects which might be thought of as “essential” in a minimalist home. Whether you are aiming for the purely aesthetic aspect of minimalism that has its roots in the twentieth-century art movement or you are pursuing a lifestyle of minimalism by reducing your number of possessions, there are definitely still some essentials to consider including in your home. Here are a few examples of minimalist home essentials to get you started on your path to minimalism, whether it’s art or lifestyle based.

One: Natural Materials

Minimalism is often about approaching life with as little interference as possible. The strictest, most extreme minimalists tend to be raw vegans who only eat uncooked meals without animal products. In the art movement, minimalism is about perceiving the world and expressing it as simply as possible in its most basic forms. To incorporate this into your home decorating, choose natural materials in their original colors, such as fresh wooden furniture and undyed cotton fabrics. Just be careful to look after these materials properly. For example, wood can be susceptible to termite swarming which can affect the integrity of the furniture. If cared for well, the combination of multiple natural materials will create depth and texture to your home that connects with the minimalist aesthetic and lifestyle without leaving you feeling like your house has become an empty box.

Two: Entertainment

On your quest to reduce the number of things you own, you might find yourself with less to do on quiet days. Just because you have embraced the minimalist lifestyle doesn’t mean you are condemned to boredom in a room with white walls. A clever way of creating a home cinema and avoiding the unnecessary purchase of an expensive television is to set up a small projector. Find a clear space of wall to project onto and have a movie night. The added benefits of this is that you don’t have to worry about forking out lots of money for something that is easily broken and stolen. Another way to have fun without filling your home with clutter is to throw yourself into your hobbies. An element of minimalism is the act of living intentionally, and by taking charge of your free time and how you spend it, you’ll be closer than ever to achieving those minimalist goals. All without messing up your perfect minimalist home.

Three: Practicality

As mentioned earlier, minimalism focuses on living with intention and decisiveness. To introduce this into your home, make sure that all your belongings have a purpose and a place. Don’t worry – bringing you joy or simply being pretty is a good enough purpose for any object. Just resist the urge to overfill your house with items that you either don’t feel strongly about or never use. By keeping everything in your home that has a use and an appeal to it, you’ll wake up every day feeling like your life is more meaningful and structured. Who wouldn’t want that?

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